Mission Critical Areas

RYANs IV&V Approach



Providing program executives with quantitative and qualitative insight into the health and hygiene of their implementation efforts.

The  RYAN  Mission  Assurance  IV&V  Methodology is specifically  designed to  provide  Program Executives and Implementation Program Managers the quantitative and qualitative predictive insight to evaluate their programs, provide program health indicators, and identify, assess and recommend risk mitigation strategies. While our methodology is designed to be predictive, an important aspect is to also serve as an audit function for the Program Manager, Portfolio Manager and Program Executives, providing an unbiased independent opinion on program status. We understand the importance of maintaining impartiality and confidentiality, and are dedicated to delivering superior IV&V service to our large and diverse client portfolio.




Our methodology can be applied at any stage of the program to identify gaps, risks, vulnerabilities, control concerns and related findings in the desired Mission Critical Areas. Based on the level of program risk and complexity, the IV&V methodology provides concentrated analysis in order to anticipate and predict where problems could occur, and provide the implementation program manager remedial options with lead time in order to correct the issue before it becomes a significant program impediment or a source of increased risk.

Built on Industry Best Practice, our IV&V Assessments result in Actionable Recommendations which reduce Program Risk and improve Program Quality

Mission Critical Areas (MCAs)

MCAs are the foundation of the Ryan IV&V Mission Assurance Methodology

Every MCA has primary goals and objectives which a program is measured against and from which key metrics are extracted for reportability, auditability, and probability of program success. The MCAs are dynamically updated as proven industry methodologies are adapted as standards so that the Ryan IV&V Mission Assurance methodology remains current and relevant as an effective and efficient IV&V industry cornerstone for system implementations.


The mission critical areas are analyzed utilizing our predictive evaluation and research methodology to proactively ascertain program strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats so that they can be effectively exploited and/or corrected.

RYAN’s IV&V Approach

Repeatable, proven technical approach that encompasses a strategic set of tasks

The RYAN Mission Assurance IV&V encompasses a strategic set of tasks designed to ascertain if a program is in alignment with industry best practices for each Mission Critical Area (MCA) of the program. IV&V is tailored according to the current phase and need of the program lifecycle, and is a reiterative continuous improvement process. Our delivery ideology emphasizes timely and relevant reporting of executable recommendations to ensure program success.

IV&V intends to confirm by examination of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled and best practices are inherent to the subject IT environment. The confirmation is obtained through a reiterative process which begins with review of previous findings, client artifacts, and data. Discovery continues via meeting observation, project reviews, interviews, surveys and analysis of all findings to provide our clients the final independent assessment.

It is independent of any allegiance of the assessors, thereby eliminating bias in assessment findings.



Our IV&V assessment methodology is infused in industry best practices, frameworks, bodies of knowledge & references:


Additionally,  RYAN incorporates various commercial, professional, DoD and Academic References.


Our IV&V deliverables include detailed assessment reports providing Program Health, Hygiene and Key Performance Indicators

The RYAN Mission Assurance IV&V Methodology tailors the evaluation protocols as well as the delivery methodology of IV&V findings according to the lifecycle phase of the system implementation program. This facilitates minimizing the negative impact of implementing IV&V recommendations to schedule and cost while promoting a quality system implementation through critical time sensitive program course correction activities. Our tailoring also ensures that our evaluation techniques are most appropriate for the program phase.

IV&V Evaluation deliverables typically include assessment reports profiling the status of the program or project, outlining the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, (SWOT) analysis as assessed by the IV&V Team. Fully-vetted Findings and associated actionable Recommendations are detailed for each relevant MCA in relationship to industry best practices.
